Overview of Cards
- AI StandUP
- Recents
- Agenda
- My Work
- Assigned to me
- Personal list
- Assigned comments
- LineUp
- Reminders
This feature is used to write a summary of the last 7 days. AI is still being developed by ClickUp, so the response in this card may be incomplete. This option is available when ClickUp AI is active in your workspace.
The card is available to all users.
The Recents card shows tasks that were recently worked on. It is useful for quickly returning to a task you were recently working on but lost track of in the workload.
The card is available to all users.
Displays tasks to be completed for the day. When integrated with an external calendar, it also shows tasks outside of ClickUp.
The card is available to all users.
This card is considered the most important as it simplifies daily work organization. It displays all tasks assigned to the user via the assignee field. Tasks are shown in four sections: Today, Overdue, Next (tasks to be completed in the upcoming days), and Unscheduled (tasks without a set date).
The card is available to all users.
Similar to My Work, this card shows all tasks assigned to the user but in a simple list format without categorization. Sorting and filtering options are available, making it convenient for someone who prefers to see all their tasks in a single list.
The card is available to all users.
This card contains personal tasks that are not visible to anyone else. Tasks are created independently of the entire ClickUp workspace. This can be treated as an additional to-do list.
The card is available only to full users.
Displays comments that have been assigned to the user as to-dos.
The card is available to all users.
This card is used for organizing work by adding the most important tasks to this list. New tasks can be created directly on this card, or you can right-click on an existing task, then select Add to and LineUp. This will add the task to this list, where it will remain until manually removed by clicking Clear. Tasks can be reordered using arrows to prioritize them from most to least important.
The card is available to all users.
This card is for creating reminders. They can be created manually here, or by clicking on any task and selecting Remind me, setting a date for the notification. The task will then appear in this card, resembling the My Work view.
The card is available to all users.
Which Card is Best to Use?
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