ClickUp FAQ

In our FAQ section, you’ll find answers to the most common questions about ClickUp. Learn how to maximize the use of this tool and streamline project and task management. All reliable information in one place – ready for an efficient ClickUp implementation?

What is ClickUp?
ClickUp is an advanced task and project management system that offers a wide range of tools and features, allowing organizations to plan, track, and execute tasks and projects effectively. What sets ClickUp apart from many other task management tools is its unique flexibility, which enables customization of the system to different processes and industries such as construction, advertising, SEO, manufacturing, medicine, and many more.

Key features of ClickUp include:

  1. Customizability: ClickUp allows customization of the interface and task structure to specific industry needs. You can create custom fields, labels, views, and filters, allowing system configuration according to your company’s requirements.
  2. Project Management: ClickUp offers tools for creating projects, grouping tasks, and assigning them to appropriate individuals, making it easy to manage even very complex projects.
  3. Calendar and Scheduling: The system has a built-in calendar that allows planning and monitoring project and task deadlines. You can create task dependencies to control the project execution process better.
  4. Collaboration: ClickUp supports team collaboration through internal communication, task commenting, and the ability to attach files, as well as integration with tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams.
  5. Integrations: ClickUp offers a wide range of integrations with other tools, allowing for even more personalized and efficient process management across different industries. You can integrate it with advertising management applications, SEO tools, production systems, or medical software to optimize your operations.
  6. Reports and Analytics: ClickUp provides tools for generating reports and analytics, enabling monitoring of project progress, team effectiveness, and identification of areas for improvement.

Thanks to its flexibility and rich feature set, ClickUp is used in various industries to increase productivity, streamline processes, and improve project management. Its ability to adapt to different needs makes it an attractive tool for companies in various fields of activity.

For which branches can ClickUp be used?
ClickUp is a tool with tremendous flexibility that can be implemented in virtually any industry. Whether you manage projects, work in marketing, IT, science, healthcare, manufacturing, or any other field, we will customize ClickUp to your needs and help optimize processes in your organization. It’s a solution that ensures efficient task and project management, regardless of the industry you are operating in. We have implemented deployments in industries such as manufacturing, advertising, franchising, laboratories, SEO and ADS, and construction, among others.
What are the main benefits of using ClickUp?
ClickUp offers a range of key benefits that can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of your company. Here are some of the main benefits of using ClickUp:

  1. Task and project management: ClickUp allows for effective planning, tracking, and coordination of tasks and projects, helping maintain order and work efficiency.
  2. Increased productivity: With ClickUp tools, your employees can focus on task execution rather than organization, leading to increased productivity.
  3. Easy communication and collaboration: ClickUp facilitates communication and collaboration within teams, enabling information sharing, file sharing, and communication in one place.
  4. Customization: ClickUp is flexible and adapts to your company’s needs, allowing customization to specific processes and requirements.
  5. Highly intuitive interface: With a simple and user-friendly interface, ClickUp is easy to use, even for individuals without prior experience with similar tools.
  6. Analytics and reporting: ClickUp provides tools for analyzing results and reporting, allowing for better understanding of effectiveness and making more informed business decisions.
  7. Scalability: ClickUp is suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises, meaning you can continue to use it as your company grows.

With these benefits, ClickUp can contribute to increased efficiency and competitiveness of your company, as well as streamline project and task management, regardless of the industry your company operates in.

Why should I hire an expert for ClickUp implementation?
Implementing ClickUp is a process that can significantly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of your project and task management. Hiring an expert for ClickUp implementation brings many benefits, here are a few:

  1. Experience and knowledge: ClickUp specialists have the expertise and experience in working with the tool, allowing them to optimize the implementation according to best practices.
  2. Customization to needs: An expert can tailor ClickUp to your company’s specific requirements, maximizing its potential.
  3. Training and support: Experts provide training for your team, enabling employees to use ClickUp effectively. Additionally, they offer continuous support for any issues or questions.
  4. Faster implementation: With the knowledge and experience of an expert, ClickUp implementation proceeds faster and more efficiently.
  5. Minimization of error risk: With an expert, you avoid making mistakes during ClickUp implementation, which can lead to future problems.
  6. Maximum efficiency: Working with an expert ensures that ClickUp is optimized for maximum efficiency in your company.
  7. Long-term benefits: Investing in an expert during implementation can translate into long-term benefits such as more efficient project management and time savings.

Hiring an expert for ClickUp implementation is a strategic decision that can accelerate your company’s success and ensure that the tool is fully utilized.

When is it worth conducting a ClickUp implementation audit?

An audit of ClickUp implementation is worth considering in the following cases:

  1. After the initial implementation stage: After completing the ClickUp implementation, it is recommended to conduct an audit to assess whether the tool is configured and utilized effectively.
  2. After changes in the company: If your company has undergone changes such as process changes, team structure changes, or changes in business goals, a ClickUp audit can help tailor the tool to the new needs.
  3. Upon identifying issues: If you notice issues or challenges related to ClickUp, an audit can help identify and address these problems.
  4. For optimization and improvement: Even if you don’t have specific issues, an audit can help optimize and improve the use of ClickUp, contributing to greater efficiency.
  5. Before scaling: If you plan to expand your operations or scale your company, a ClickUp audit can ensure that the tool is ready for this growing scale.

An audit of ClickUp implementation helps ensure that the tool is fully tailored to your company’s needs, optimized, and used effectively. It is a crucial step that contributes to success in project and task management.

What does ClickUp implementation look like at BeProductive?
The implementation of ClickUp at BeProductive is a carefully planned process tailored to your individual needs. We are fully committed to providing you with optimal solutions. Our ClickUp implementations consist of four key stages, ensuring success and maximum efficiency for your company. Now, let’s take a detailed look at each of these stages.

  1. Pre-Implementation Workshop with the Client: To begin with, we conduct thorough workshops where we collaborate with you to understand your unique needs and business processes. We create a personalized ClickUp implementation plan.
  2. Internal Analyses: The next step involves internal analyses and, if necessary, additional meetings to fully understand how ClickUp can optimize your operations. This stage helps tailor the tool to your specific needs.
  3. Implementation Workshop with the Client: After careful preparations, we move on to the implementation of ClickUp in your company. Our customized solutions enable the tool to be effectively adapted to your business and processes.
  4. Presentation and Training for the Entire Company: At the conclusion of the process, we present the implemented system and conduct training that includes your entire team. This ensures that all employees are equipped with the necessary skills to use ClickUp effectively and maximize its potential.
What are the benefits of conducting a ClickUp audit?

Conducting a ClickUp audit brings numerous benefits that can significantly impact your company’s productivity and efficiency. Here are some of the key advantages of a ClickUp audit:

  1. Optimization of tool usage: The audit allows for precise customization of ClickUp to the specific needs of your business, ensuring you maximize its potential.
  2. Identification of issues: The audit helps identify any potential problems or challenges with ClickUp and provides solutions to address them.
  3. Process improvement: Through the audit, you can refine project and task management processes, contributing to increased work efficiency.
  4. Employee training: The audit may include employee training, ensuring that everyone in the company learns to use ClickUp effectively.
  5. Long-term benefits: A ClickUp audit is an investment in the future, leading to long-term advantages such as more efficient project and task management.
  6. Minimization of errors: The audit helps you avoid mistakes when using ClickUp, preventing potential issues down the road.

A ClickUp audit is a crucial element in ensuring the effective use of this tool in your company, making sure it best serves your business goals.

How long does it take to implement ClickUp?

The duration of ClickUp implementation in a company depends on several factors, such as the size of the company, the number of processes to be transferred and the degree of adaptation of the tool to individual needs.

In the case of a comprehensive ClickUp implementation, which includes many processes and a large scope of adaptations, the duration can be from 4 to 6 weeks or longer. This allows for precise adaptation of ClickUp to the specifics of the company’s operations.

However, in the case of smaller implementations, such as the implementation of ClickUp as a customer relationship management (CRM) tool, this process can be carried out much faster, even in a few days.

The length of ClickUp implementation is always tailored to the individual needs of the client and the scope of adaptations to ensure effective use of the tool based on the specific goals and business processes of the company.

Does my company need to implement ClickUp with an expert?

ClickUp is a highly flexible tool that can be customized to fit many different types of businesses and processes. However, it is possible that your business will need some customization to make ClickUp work for your exact needs.

The answer to this question depends on the individual needs of your business. In some cases, ClickUp can be implemented and used without major customizations, especially if your needs are standard.

However, if your business has more complex processes, unique business goals, or specific requirements, customizations to ClickUp may be necessary. We can customize ClickUp to your business to ensure that you get the most out of the tool.

However, it is important to remember that using ClickUp correctly is key to success. Using the tool incorrectly can lead to bad habits and practices that can slow down processes, discourage employees from using ClickUp, and reduce efficiency. Therefore, it is also worth considering and adjusting your work processes and habits to make ClickUp work for you. Working with a ClickUp expert can help ensure that the tool is being used in accordance with best practices.

What are the costs of using ClickUp?
The cost of using ClickUp depends on several factors, including the type of plan and the number of users in your company. ClickUp offers a variety of plans tailored to different needs, allowing you to find the option that best suits your business.

Here’s a summary of the available plans and general costs of using ClickUp:

  1. Free Plan: ClickUp offers a free plan that includes basic features, ideal for small teams or individuals.
  2. Paid Plans: ClickUp provides various paid plans that differ in price and available features. The costs of these plans depend on the number of users in the company. These plans offer advanced features such as automation, reporting, integrations with other tools, technical support, and more.

To get detailed pricing and learn more about the available plans, you can visit the official ClickUp website (ClickUp Pricing Link) or contact their customer support team.

We also assist our clients in selecting the right plan, as not all features may be necessary for efficient use of ClickUp.

Can I use ClickUp on different devices?

Yes, you can use ClickUp on various devices. ClickUp is accessible via web browsers, offers mobile apps for both Android and iOS, and provides a desktop application for computers.

Here are some examples of devices on which you can use ClickUp:

  • Desktop and laptop computers: ClickUp works in web browsers, meaning you can use it on your desktop or laptop, regardless of the operating system.
  • Smartphones and tablets: ClickUp also offers mobile apps available on Google Play and the App Store. You can download the app to your smartphone or tablet, allowing you to use ClickUp on the go or in the field.
  • Desktop computers: ClickUp provides a desktop application that you can install on your computer. The desktop app offers more advanced features and offline access.

With this flexibility, you can manage projects, tasks, and other content in ClickUp whenever it’s convenient for you, regardless of the device you have on hand. This makes you more productive and flexible in your work.

Does ClickUp allow you to create custom reports and analyses?

Yes, ClickUp allows you to create custom reports and analyses. This tool offers advanced reporting options that enable you to tailor analyses to your company’s specific needs and goals.

Here are some of the key reporting features in ClickUp:

  1. Custom Filters: You can define custom filters to select specific tasks, projects, or data that you want to include in your report.
  2. Data Visualizations: ClickUp allows you to create various types of data visualizations, such as bar charts, pie charts, and tables, to better understand the data.
  3. Grouping and Sorting: You can group tasks or data by different criteria and sort them to organize the information more effectively in your report.
  4. Saving Templates: ClickUp lets you save custom report settings as templates, enabling you to reuse the same settings for future reports.
  5. Data Export: You can export reports in various formats, such as CSV or PDF, to share with others or keep copies of the data.

With these features, ClickUp enables you to create reports and analyses tailored to your company’s specific needs, helping you make more informed decisions and track project and task progress more effectively.

What options are available for monitoring project progress in ClickUp?

ClickUp offers various options for monitoring project progress, allowing you to track and manage tasks and projects efficiently. Here are some of the key features for monitoring progress:

  1. Project Views: ClickUp provides different project views, such as Kanban boards, lists, calendar views, and Gantt charts. These views help you visually monitor the progress of your projects.
  2. Task Statuses: You can define custom statuses for tasks, allowing you to see what stage each task is in within the project.
  3. Priorities and Deadlines: ClickUp enables you to assign priorities and due dates to tasks, helping you determine which tasks are most important and require immediate attention.
  4. Custom Fields: You can create custom fields to add additional information and indicators related to the project, such as costs, hours worked, progress percentage, etc.
  5. Project Templates: ClickUp allows you to create project templates, making it easier to replicate successful project plans in the future.
  6. Task Overview: ClickUp offers a task overview feature that lets you track task progress over time and identify where delays may be occurring.
  7. Notifications: You can configure notifications and reminders to help you stay on track with task deadlines and project milestones.
  8. Reporting: ClickUp allows for the creation of custom reports and analyses, giving you a detailed view of project progress and team performance.

With these project progress monitoring options, ClickUp enables more efficient and flexible project management, resulting in increased productivity and timely project completion.

Does ClickUp offer time tracking and project time calculation features?

Yes, ClickUp offers time tracking and project time calculation features, allowing you to accurately monitor the time spent on tasks and projects. Here are some key features related to this:

  1. Time Tracker: ClickUp offers a built-in time clock that allows users to start and stop tracking time spent on specific tasks. With this tool, you can precisely measure how much time is spent on each task. In our opinion, this is a very well thought out tool and there is no need to use other external time tracking tools.
  2. Time-related tasks: In ClickUp, tasks can be associated with a specific time, which allows you to assign work hours to specific tasks and projects.
  3. Time reports: ClickUp allows you to generate time reports that present a summary of the hours worked by users on different tasks and projects.
  4. Integrations with time tracking tools: ClickUp can be integrated with other time tracking tools, which allows for more advanced monitoring of work time.

Thanks to these features, ClickUp allows you to both track time worked on projects and accurately calculate the time spent on specific tasks. This is a useful tool for freelancers, companies offering client services, and teams working on different projects.

Why should I consider implementing ClickUp in my company?

Considering ClickUp implementation in your company can bring many benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider it:

  1. Task and project management: ClickUp allows you to effectively manage tasks and projects in one tool. This makes it easier to monitor project progress, assign tasks, manage deadlines and priorities.
  2. Work visualization: With different views, such as Kanban boards, lists or calendar views, you can visually track the progress of projects, making it easier to understand where teams are and what tasks are in progress.
  3. Custom fields and forms (custom fields clickup): ClickUp allows you to customize fields and forms to the individual needs of your company. You can collect custom information and data as per your requirements.
  4. Easy Integration: ClickUp integrates with many other tools, making it easy to collaborate and transfer data between different applications.
  5. Reporting and Analysis: The tool allows you to create reports and analyses that allow you to monitor team and project performance and make better-informed decisions.
  6. Time Tracking Features: ClickUp offers options for tracking time worked on tasks, which is useful for both freelancers and companies tracking time worked on projects.
  7. Flexibility and Customization: ClickUp is flexible and can be customized to suit your company’s individual needs and processes.
  8. Support Team: ClickUp offers technical support and educational materials that help you use the tool effectively.

By considering implementing ClickUp, your company can gain more organization, efficiency and increase competitiveness in the market. This tool can adapt to different industries and company sizes, which makes it worth considering in the context of digital transformation.

Can my company use ClickUp?

This is a common question we hear. ClickUp is a comprehensive project and task management platform that is becoming increasingly popular among companies and teams around the world. You can digitize various processes from traditional projects, e.g. in an IT or advertising company, or more advanced ones that we had the opportunity to implement, e.g. production or laboratory.

Generally, the list of industries we have encountered is very wide and depends only on the appropriate adaptation of ClickUp: Technology and software, i.e. the aforementioned IT, Marketing and advertising, Product management from the product management perspective, Healthcare, Education: Educational institutions, schools and universities, Finance and accounting, Real estate, e.g. real estate agencies or property management companies, e.g. housing estate administrations, Retail, Engineering and construction, Research and development, and in this scope we implemented a laboratory in a manufacturing company, Tourism and recreation, Film studios, Advisory and consulting services, Transport and logistics, Architecture and design, Law firms and notary offices and much, much more.

Thanks to its flexibility, ClickUp allows you to adapt to many scopes. Of course, there are situations in which we recommend using dedicated systems, e.g. warehouse management in a trading company, material management in a construction company, accounting. In such situations, systems created for a given area of ​​activity may be better. However, most processes can be digitized.


How to create tasks in ClickUp?

To create tasks in ClickUp, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your ClickUp account: Get started by logging in to your ClickUp account using your web browser or mobile app.
  2. Select a workspace and project: Choose the appropriate workspace (e.g. project or department) or create a new one if you don’t already have one. A workspace is where you’ll organize your tasks.
  3. Select a task list: Inside your chosen workspace, select the task list where you want to create a new task. Task lists help you group tasks into different projects or areas.
  4. Add a new task: Click the “Add task” button or use the keyboard shortcut if you’re a more advanced user. It is usually located at the top of the screen or in the task list.
  5. Enter task information: Now you can enter the details about the task. This includes giving the task a title, description, due date, priority, assigning it to appropriate team members, etc.
  6. Customize the task (optional): ClickUp is flexible, so you can customize the task to your needs. Add custom fields, labels, task dependencies, attachments, or anything else that is relevant to your project.
  7. Save the task: Once you have entered all the necessary information, click “Save” or “Create task.” Your task will now be added to the selected task list.
  8. Monitor and manage the task: Once you have created the task, you can monitor its progress, update it, add comments, and perform other project management activities.

This is the basic process of creating tasks in ClickUp. Keep in mind that this tool offers many advanced features that can be used for more advanced project and task management.

Does ClickUp offer the ability to create links between tasks?

Yes, ClickUp offers the ability to create links between tasks. This is a useful feature that allows you to define dependencies between different tasks, which helps you better manage your projects and determine which tasks should be completed before others can be started.

Here’s how you can create links between tasks in ClickUp:

  1. Select Source Task: Start by selecting the task that is the source of the dependency. This is the task that needs to be completed before another task can be started.
  2. Open Task and Add Dependency: When you are in the source task view, open it and then find the option “Add Dependency” or “Link to Another Task.” Click on it.
  3. Select Target Task: Now you can select the target task that is dependent on the source task. This is a task that must wait for the source task to complete.
  4. Specify dependency type: ClickUp allows you to specify different dependency types, such as “Predecessor,” “Successor,” or “Concurrent.” Select the appropriate dependency type.
  5. Save dependency: After specifying the target task and dependency type, save the dependency. Now both tasks will be linked, and the system will track whether the source task is completed before the target task is started.

With this feature, ClickUp allows you to better manage projects and control how different tasks affect each other. This is especially useful in projects where there are many tasks, some of which must be completed before others for the project to run smoothly.

What views are available in ClickUp?

ClickUp offers a variety of views that allow users to customize how they see and organize their tasks and projects. Here are some of the main views available in ClickUp:

  1. List View: This is the classic view that presents tasks in a list format. You can sort, filter, and group tasks by various criteria, prioritize, and make changes right from this view.
  2. Board View: This view is based on the concept of a kanban board. Tasks are represented as cards that can be moved between columns to track project progress.
  3. Calendar View: This allows you to present tasks on a calendar, making it easier to monitor deadlines and schedule tasks. You can drag and drop tasks to adjust the dates.
  4. Gantt View: This view provides a Gantt chart that visualizes the project schedule in a calendar format, showing the dependencies between tasks and their duration.

These different views in ClickUp allow users to customize their work environment to suit the needs of the project or task, making project management more efficient and organized.

Does ClickUp use API? What if I miss a feature in ClickUp?
Yes, you can create your own ClickUp integrations and applications using the public API.
The ClickUp API is constantly being developed, so new features are constantly being added to improve all integrations.

If you are missing some necessary functionality, you can use external integrations

Integrations with external tools fill the gaps in ClickUp with very useful features, making ClickUp an even more perfect tool for every company

And if you need a ready-made solution, many tools on the market allow integration with ClickUp and not only. Examples of such tools are and Zapier. They provide easy connections between different tools. Connections such as documentation of ClickUp tasks on Google Drive are possible with them. is a great solution for people who do not know anything about programming, as it is a no-code tool (does not require coding). However, it is a very complex tool, so hiring an expert who will take care of your integration properly is still better.

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